Attack Of The Clones: Liberal MPs Busted Sending Pre-Written Support Messages For Trudeau, Then Claiming Them As ‘Personal’ Thoughts

Too bad the copy and paste job was obvious.

It continues to be total amateur hour at the Trudeau PMO, as the desperate Trudeau cronies try manufacturing support in the face of his collapsing poll numbers.

With Trudeau having been exposed nationwide as a hypocrite when it comes to his ‘feminist’ rhetoric, including for yelling at a female MP and throwing Jody Wilson-Raybould under the bus, it seems the PMO decided to get some female Liberal MPs to send out a message of support.

It’s a common tactic of political parties, and it’s generally not at all controversial.

Except, in most cases, parties don’t deny they’re doing it.

But in this case, it seems the Liberals – despite the obvious cut and paste situation – tried to pass off the messages as spontaneous personal thoughts of some female MPs.

Of course, the evidence showed quite the opposite:

Hilariously, one Liberal MP tried claiming she wrote the message herself while in her kitchen, as if it was some sort of personal thinking:

“I’m offended by those who say I don’t write my own tweets or that I didn’t experience what I say that I did. I wrote my tweet by myself in my kitchen this morning. If others were inspired by my words to say something similar that is fine. But nobody tells me what to think or say.”

Except, numerous MPs said exactly the same thing – only changing one or two words to try and make it look ‘different.’

Having worked in political offices before, sending out talking points is a regular practice, and this is obviously a botched attempt at crisis communications.

But the problem for the Liberals isn’t that they used the same message, it’s that they tried deceiving people about it.

And this gets to the real problem.

The Liberals are now lying about things that are obvious for all of us to see, which shows a disturbing combination of arrogance and incompetence on the part of the government.

Why not just be honest about it?

Once again, we are seeing that nothing this government does, not even the little things, can be trusted.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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