REPORT: Celina Caesar-Chavannes’ Husband Confirms That ‘Angry & Hostile’ Trudeau Yelled At Her

The Trudeau fraud continues to be exposed.

Recently, Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes called out Justin Trudeau’s hypocrisy.

Trudeau had been lecturing everyone on his leadership style, which he claimed was about ‘listening’ and making sure people felt comfortable bringing their concerns to him.

Yet, Caesar-Chavannes pointed out that Trudeau’s actual ‘leadership style’ differed from his claims.

She said that he was hostile towards her, and even yelled at her when she said she didn’t want to run again.

The dishonest PMO tried refuting her story, but her husband has pushed back, saying he was in the room and heard the conversation, confirming that Trudeau yelled at her.

“@MPCelina did not get to where she is because she is not strategic or brilliant. She is both. She never will need the PM, PMO, me or anybody else to validate her story, or to understand that “emotional” or “yelling” can be “interpreted differently”. She is fearless.”

“Everything that Celina detailed, related to that call is true. Everything.”

Vidal Chavannes, MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes’ husband, speaking up about his wife’s interactions with Prime Minister Justice Trudeau where she says he yelled at her.”

Once again, Trudeau is exposed as a total fraud.

Behind his so-called ‘feminism’ and ‘listening,’ Trudeau screams and yells at people who don’t do his bidding.

What a disgrace.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


Justin Trudeau is trying to buy the establishment media with a $600 million bribe.
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