SCAM: ‘Independent’ Trudeau-Appointed Senator Spent $15K Taxpayer Dollars On Liberal Poll

Just like everything else in this government, Trudeau’s ‘independent’ Senate is a total sham.

Justin Trudeau claimed that his appointments to the Canadian Senate would be ‘independent’ and ‘non-partisan.’

But, like every Trudeau claim, it turned out to be a lie.

Instead, Trudeau is appointing Senators who will do his bidding, while hiding it under the guise of ‘independent’ appointments.

The latest example is Senator Donna Dasko.

She was appointed by Trudeau as an ‘independent’ Senator.

Yet, it turns out she charged Canadian taxpayers $15K for a poll on what people thought about Trudeau’s supposedly ‘independent’ senate appointments.

The poll was to be used to help the Liberals justify their Senate ‘changes,’ ahead of an upcoming election.

So much for independence.

It reveals yet another Trudeau scam, and is why I say again and again that nothing he says can be trusted.

And beyond that, it also appears to violate the rules of the Senate, as pointed out by Conservative Senator Denise Batters in the video below:

With the Trudeau government, the fraud and deceit appears to be endless.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube