Liberals Terrified Scheer Climate Plan Will Be Popular

That’s why they’re attacking it before even knowing what it is.

The Trudeau Liberals have been talking a big game on the climate.

But Canadians aren’t buying what the Liberals are selling.

Recent surveys show the carbon tax is incredibly unpopular, and Justin Trudeau is way back in third place as the leader most trusted on the environment, trailing Andrew Scheer and Elizabeth May.

It is beyond clear that the carbon tax is a total scam and a tax grab that has nothing to do with the environment.

So, with their own agenda being totally indefensible, the Liberals are reduced to attack politics.

They spent months attacking Andrew Scheer for ‘not having a climate plan,’ and then, once he gave a date for when it would be released, started attacking the plan without knowing what’s in it.

Their attacks show how afraid the Liberals are, and it’s pretty obvious what they’re afraid of: Scheer’s climate plan being popular.

Consider this: If Andrew Scheer releases a credible-seeming plan and pledges to do away with the carbon tax, then the Liberals are in big trouble.

And it already seems like Scheer is headed in that direction.

He’s pledged to scrap the carbon tax, and early indications are that his climate plan will bring back the highly-popular home renovation tax credit, and will incentivize large emitters to invest in technological advancement, while not imposing a tax on Canadians.

Scheer’s approach looks likely to actually focus on creating incentives within the private sector, rather than putting more money in the hands of politicians and the government.

If Canadians see Scheer’s plan as credible and are glad to see the potential of the carbon tax being scrapped, then many people will start asking why the best the Liberals could do was screw Canadians over with a tax that does nothing for the environment.

And with an election looming, that’s the last thing the Liberals want to talk about.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube