Scheer Under Siege From All Sides

It’s looking increasingly bleak for the Conservative leader.

Andrew Scheer remains the leader of the Conservative party, but his hold on that position is looking increasingly tenuous.

In the wake of a campaign in which the Conservatives held the Liberals to a minority government but lost ground in vote-rich Ontario, many socially moderate Conservatives (including some senators and MPs), heavily criticized Scheer for being unable to give answers on social issues (particularly same-sex marriage) that would reassure key voters the Conservatives needed to win.

Now, Scheer is being slammed by social conservatives, as another wing of the Conservative party appears to be souring on him.

According to a Globe & Mail report (paywalled), stalwart pro-life Conservative Brad Trost, the Campaign Life Coalition, and Charles McVety, a prominent evangelical Christian, are all saying the Conservatives need someone other than Scheer at the helm.

Additionally, the report indicates that ‘Right Now,’ a pro-life group is not taking a side either way on Scheer’s leadership at the present moment.

This is very bad news for Scheer.

To stay in power, he needs a base somewhere in the party. He doesn’t have social moderates. And it appears he may be losing social conservatives. If that happens, he doesn’t have much left.

A big problem is that Scheer is viewed by many as a weak leader, and that means he has difficulty uniting the various factions in the Conservative party. Many also doubt whether Scheer can win, considering he couldn’t defeat Trudeau even in a campaign in which the blackface controversy had put Trudeau and the Liberals in serious electoral danger.

The trend line for Scheer isn’t looking good. He’s losing support, criticism is piling up, and with people across the Conservative political spectrum slamming his leadership, he is a leader under siege.

Spencer Fernando

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