Less Than 1% Of Canadians Watch Local CBC Broadcasts

The failing network is desperate for more tax dollars.

According to a new report by Blacklock’s, CBC is desperate for yet more money, amid collapsing ad revenue and horrendous viewership numbers.

The report indicates that CBC English-language TV ad revenue is down 37%, with less than 1% of Canadians watching local CBC newscasts at suppertime.

“The Crown broadcaster in its latest Annual Report questioned whether it can remain sustainable without more subsidies: “Program spending in future years will have to be reduced.”’

“Ad revenues at #CBC fall 37% in a year; the network in its latest annual report questions if it’s sustainable without more subsidies.”

Clearly, Canadians aren’t enjoying the content being pushed by CBC. But instead of respecting the choice of the vast majority of Canadians who aren’t watching, CBC is trying to force Canadians to fund their failing network.

Instead of being forced to fund CBC, CBC should be stripped of public funding and rely on the private sector.

You can read the full Blacklock’s report here (paywalled)

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube