NDP MP Niki Ashton Is In Greece

You can add her name to the growing list of hypocritical politicians who are travelling while demanding that the rest of us get locked down. The NDP says they’ve stripped her of her critic roles.

You can add Niki Ashton to the list of politicians who left the country while most Canadians are locked down.

Ashton flew to Greece, without mentioning anything to the NDP about the trip, at a time when politicians are being ripped for hypocritical travel.

As a result, Ashton will lose her critic roles, which will be assigned to other NDP MPs.

On Twitter, Ashton said the trip was to visit her sick grandmother:

“Wishing everyone a better year ahead. Bonne année à tous.

After spending Christmas alone with our family at home in MB, now I am with my ailing grandmother, my γιαγιά, in Greece. Χρόνια Πολλά με υγεία.”

Of course, regular Canadians have been barred from seeing their sick family members, have been barred from holding large funerals, have been barred from family visits, all under the threat of government-enforced punishment.

So once again, Ashton and the other entitled politicians feel they are willing to enforce the rules on us, while exempting themselves from the consequences of those rules.

Ashton should have had to resign fully, but worst of all is that even the meager efforts taken by the NDP outpace what we’ve seen in Alberta, where the Kenney government failed to issue any punishment to four MLAs who left the country for vacation.

It seems that Canada has almost nobody in any government or party worthy of trust.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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