“No, We Are Not Kidding – We Have Two Butlers”: Manager Of Border & Travel Health At Public Health Agency Of Canada Went On Vacation In Jamaica

In her apology video, she lectures people to “not travel right now” and says #StayHome, the exact opposite of what she did.

Here’s the latest example of another ‘public servant’ who believes you should be locked down while they should be free to travel.

In November, the Public Health Agency of Canada, along with countless government officials and politicians, were repeatedly telling Canadians to “stay home, save lives.” All ‘non-essential’ travel should be cancelled.

Yet, in November, Dominique Baker – the head of the Office of Border and Travel Health at that very same Public Health Agency of Canada – went on an all-expenses-paid trip to Jamaica, specifically Montego Bay.

In an Instagram post – which has since been deleted, Baker talked about how nice a time she and her friend were having:

“One of our two butlers is bringing us our pina coladas right now. No, we are not kidding – we have two butlers. Thank you, Air Canada Vacations. We are beside ourselves.”

That about sums up the world we live in today:

The elites tell us to stay home, while they fly around the world getting waited on and enjoying drinks in luxury destinations.

One set of rules for them, another set of rules for the rest of us.

Of note, Baker’s husband did some work for Theresa Tam in media relations, from August 31 to November 30.

In a statement, the Public Health Agency of Canada responded:

“PHAC has consistently told Canadians they should avoid travel during the pandemic. To have employees disregard this travel advice is unacceptable. As a general principle, we expect PHAC employees to encourage Canadians to follow public health advice, not to engage in non-essential travel.”

Of course, they said nothing about firing Baker for her rampant hypocrisy.

Baker herself released a video responding to this:


Of course, Baker must resign or be fired. Even in her video, she tells people not to travel, the exact thing she did.

It seems that few of these hypocritical officials has had the guts to say that the public should be free of these increasingly onerous restrictions, and that if the elites can travel the world, the lockdowns should all be ended immediately.

Instead, they keep trying to get away with holding themselves to a different standard than they hold us to, and it grows more and more disgraceful by the day.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Instagram


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