Is A New Canada Being Forged?

More Canadians are showing a willingness to push back against politicians, and speak their minds rather than meekly going along with authority.

Not long ago, Canada appeared headed towards a situation in which all the major parties were going to support ever-increasing draconian measures.

The Liberals, NDP, and Bloc were all onboard with vaccine mandates and restrictions, while the CPC seemed afraid to push back.

The PPC was the only party that was consistently standing up for the principles of limited government and individual freedom.

Unfortunately, this meant that Canada could have been left without any party in Parliament that was pushing back.

The Conservative Party was clearly divided internally, with individual MPs wanting to speak out, while the party leadership held them back and tried to play it as safe as possible.

You got the sense that the CPC leadership desperately wanted the issue of civil liberties and government power to just ‘go away.’

Well, it hasn’t.

Instead, Justin Trudeau and the Liberals – along with the government of Quebec – have continued to double down on using state power to take away rights and freedoms and cause more division.

And now, with Justin Trudeau deciding to impose a vaccine mandate on truckers – a move that seems designed to deliberately damage the economy and cause further shortages and price increases – the CPC has shifted their rhetoric.

Pierre Poilievre – who has been more pro-freedom than the CPC leader’s office – has been consistently slamming the power grab of the Liberals:

“COVID has become a never-ending excuse for power-hungry authorities to replace our freedom with their control.


Reopen our businesses, let our truckers drive & restore freedom for all.”

““I really believe COVID has created a window of political opportunity and maybe an epiphany.” said Deputy PM Freeland

Here is an epiphany for her: A pandemic that destroys lives & livelihoods is not a political opportunity. But that is how the Liberals viewed it from the start.”

What’s new is that the CPC itself is moving their rhetoric more in the direction of Poilievre, with the party supporting a petition to reverse Trudeau’s vaccine mandate on truckers, what the CPC is calling ‘Trudeau’s Vaccine Vendetta.’

Unsurprisingly, O’Toole’s statements on this have been weaker:

“A few weeks ago I raised concerns about how this policy might impact supply chains, worsening the cost of living crisis in Canada. Glad to see others are now acknowledging the risks too.”

And today, he refused to answer whether he supported the Freedom Convoy or not:

“Conservative leader Erin O’Toole won’t say if he supports the national truck convoy en route towards Ottawa to protest against the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for truck drivers who deliver goods across the Canada-United States border.

On Monday, O’Toole dodged multiple questions coming from reporters who were asking him to state his and his party’s position on these truckers, in the light of his recent comments calling for “reasonable accommodations” for the unvaccinated who need to work.

“It’s not for the leader of the opposition or a political party to attend a protest on the hill or a convoy. It’s up to politicians to advocate for solutions in a cost-of-living crisis, in a supply chain crisis in a way that’s responsible and respectful of the public health crisis we’re in”, he said.”

Of course, politicians support protests all the time, and O’Toole’s non-answer demonstrates that he’s still playing it far too safe.

The fact that many of the most high-profile CPC MPs are strongly opposing Trudeau’s vaccine mandates, and that the rhetoric in the CPC has shifted more in the direction of freedom & liberty demonstrates some of the political changes taking place in this country.

In many ways, a new Canada is being forged.

A dramatic shift

What does the shifting rhetoric of the CPC have to do with a new Canada?

Well, it shows the pressure they are facing from their core supporters.

And that pressure has been going in one direction: A demand that the party oppose vaccine mandates, oppose restrictions, and start taking a stand in support of individual rights and freedoms.

The fact that such pressure exists is a testament to how many people in this country have withstood the barrage of government/media rhetoric, and have rejected the campaign of endless fear.

Even in the face of coordinated messaging, a denial of freedoms, and social pressure – millions of Canadians have stood strong and have made their voice heard.

The establishment would have loved nothing more than there to be no discussion and no debate about these policies, and they expected that Canadians would meekly go along with the never-ending expansion of state power.

But instead, the establishment is watching as a massive convoy heads to Ottawa to protest against the vaccine mandate on truckers, and the once-supine opposition has found a bit of a backbone.

Organizations like the National Citizens Coalition (where I am a Fellow), Independent Media, and Canadians like you have ensured that the establishment faces a real political and ideological fight going forward.

The key point here isn’t whether we can trust the CPC to have genuinely changed their opinion. What matters is that they felt compelled to take a more pro-liberty stand. Politicians tend to do what they think will get them elected, and it is quite telling that the CPC feels that freedom is an electoral winner, rather than the liability they previously viewed it as.

Reason for optimism

As many jurisdictions around the world rescind their restrictions and go back to normal, Canada largely stands as an outlier.

This, combined with how many people just do whatever the government tells them, has created an understandably pessimistic sense about the future of this country.

And, while much of that pessimism remains warranted, there are also reasons for optimism.

The attitude behind the Freedom Convoy is an attitude of defiance, an attitude of making your voice heard and standing up to power-hungry politicians.

It’s an attitude that Canada needs much more of, and the fact that so many have donated to support the convoy demonstrates that much of this country agrees.

And with more CPC MPs speaking up, that attitude of defiance is growing even in the halls of power.

In times of crisis, people tend to reveal who they are.

Many of our politicians have revealed themselves to be willing to manipulate the public and prey upon our Canadian ‘niceness.’

But in response, many Canadians have begun to realize that being strong and defiant is more important than being ‘nice,’ and that our rights and freedoms will only be saved if we have the courage to speak out and stand up for them.

This could result in the forging of a new Canada, where millions of people find a new courage to speak their minds, reject the idea of being ‘nice and submissive,’ and demand political leaders defend our rights, rather than take them away.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


Our rights and freedoms are under assault from power-hungry politicians and bureaucrats. Independent Media is one of the few remaining sources of truth left in our country. If you value my writing and perspective, you can show your support by making a contribution through PayPal, or directly through Stripe below.

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