Why Is The Media So Afraid Of Justin Trudeau Being Called A Communist?

Perhaps because calling it out makes it more difficult to hide.

In a recent clip from his show, Joe Rogan ripped Justin Trudeau and said “Canada is Communist”:

This seemed to ‘scare’ much of the establishment media.

As noted by True North Centre Senior Researcher Cosmin Dzsurdzsa, the response to Rogan’s claim seems to be desperate and defensive:

“I find it hilarious that every leftist columnist in Canada is frantically writing op-eds about how Justin Trudeau isn’t a communist.”


“The fact that legacy media normies are writing apologias about the World Economic Forum and communism means they’re no longer setting the agenda.

They can’t resist responding to online dissidents who dominate social media.

They’re playing defence.”


Unable to hide

It is critical to understand that communists never went away, they merely rebranded.

Many sought to hide behind new labels, such as “environmentalist,” “social democrat,” “socialist,” etc.

Now, that’s not to say everyone who identifies with those labels is a communist, merely that many communists use those labels to obscure their true ideology.

And obscure it they must, since communism has proven to be the most deadly ideology in human history. In the 20th century, it racked up a death toll of over 100 million people, far outpacing fascism.

Indeed, both fascism and communism had many similarities, including a disdain for capitalism, an abhorrence of democracy, opposition to free speech, and a near-worship of the centralized power of government above individual freedom.

It’s no coincidence that ideologies based on centralized power, creating a ‘perfect world,’ and a hatred of individual freedom end up leading to mass death.

For this reason, we must constantly be on the lookout for the rebranded versions of communism.

And this brings us to Justin Trudeau.

Even before he was PM, Trudeau praised Communist China’s “basic dictatorship” because it could “get stuff done.”

Among the “stuff” it “got done” was the ‘Great Leap Forward,’ which led to an estimated 45 million deaths. Yes, more people died in the Chinese Communist Party’s attempt to impose the ruthless and centralized reshaping of Chinese society than currently exist in Canada at this very moment.

History shows that massive, centralized government power is the only human force capable of generating such horrific death tolls, which is itself a big reason to advocate for decentralization and to be wary of all who seem to worship at the altar of state power.

Since gaining power, Trudeau has moved Canada steadily in a more communist direction, increasing the size of government, abusing government power to punish opponents, and seeking to put the government in control of what you can say and see online.

Furthermore, the Trudeau government has been largely an outlier in their unwillingness to move on from the fear-based pandemic mindset that enabled their increasing power grabs.

And of course, we remember that Trudeau tried to move Canada away from our civilizational allies like the US & UK, and closer to China. Only the kidnapping of the Two Michaels and overwhelming anti-CCP public opinion among Canadians forced Trudeau to relent.

So, we can clearly see that calling Trudeau a Communist, and noting that he’s moving Canada in a Communist direction, is an accurate reading of events.

The fact that this scares the establishment media only goes to show that many members of the media have Communist leanings themselves, and are afraid they won’t be able to hide that disturbing truth.

Spencer Fernando


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