Catherine McKenna Reveals The True Liberal Agenda Behind Social Media ‘Regulation’: Silencing Their Opponents

“Regulate them,” demands McKenna as authoritarian impulse grows among desperate Liberals.

The Liberals have offered up many ‘reasons’ for their effort to put the government in control of social media.

They talk about “fighting misinformation.”

They talk about “supporting Canadian content.”

They talk about “reducing bullying.”

And yet, deep down, we all can sense that isn’t the real reason they want such power.

We know why the Liberals want to control social media:

So they can decide what you see and what you can say online, and so they can silence their opponents.

It’s all about expanding their authoritarian power at the expense of individual Canadians.

And now, former Liberal cabinet minister Catherine McKenna has admitted it out in the open:

“BONKERS: The most powerful discrepancy between amplification of right & left on Twitter was in Canada (Liberals 43%; Conservatives 167%)!

Hey @TwitterCanada what say you? And do tell: Which Conservative politicians are you amplifying & which outlets?

Hey MPs: Regulate them.”

“Such BS.”

“Sure personally furious about insanity of Twitter algorithms. But also calling it out bc Twitter is too often used by right wing politicians & outlets to mount attacks on real people & to discredit real issues – including/especially on climate. Brutal they are being amplified.”

Textbook Authoritarianism

This is the perfect encapsulation of the authoritarian mindset:

If you don’t like what people are saying, just use government power to stop them.

No need to listen.

No need to consider the nuance of the situation.

Just use state power to get your way.

Notice how McKenna doesn’t even consider that the radical far-left shift of the Liberal government is contributing to more Canadians moving to the right, and is generating understandable political blowback among centre-right Canadians.

Notice how she doesn’t acknowledge the fact that what she calls “attacks” on “real issues” is another way of saying “different opinion.”

McKenna has the classic authoritarian way of thinking, believing that her perspective is so inherently virtuous and correct that she should have the power to stop other perspectives from being heard.

Remember when McKenna said you just have to repeat something louder and louder enough times and people will believe it?

McKenna thinks she should be allowed to freely share her views, but when opposing views gain traction online she that the government should have the power to ‘change the algorithm’.

The Liberals have contempt for us

We can see how much contempt the Liberals have for those of us who disagree with them.

They don’t even believe in our basic right to be heard, as they are willing to use state power to silence us.

People like Trudeau & McKenna don’t even see their opponents as fellow Canadians.

Dangerous authoritarian direction

With McKenna’s comments, we once again see how dangerous the Liberals are.

I wish this wasn’t the case.

But unfortunately, we are facing an unrelenting onslaught against our rights and freedoms.

The Liberals will stop at nothing to silence us, to stop us from being able to share our views, and to make it impossible for us to oppose their damaging agenda.

McKenna’s remarks are merely an unfiltered exposition of what the Liberals really believe, and we can be certain that they are already planning the next assault on the freedom of Canadians.

Spencer Fernando


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