What Makes Steven Guilbeault Think He Gets To Decide How Much Money Oil & Gas Companies Are Allowed To Make?

Those who push a radical eco-socialist will never be happy with what the private sector energy industry does.

Who gets to decide how much money private oil companies are allowed to make?

Should the market decide?

Should Canada’s national interests decide?

Or should far-left environmental minister Steven Guilbeault decide?

Apparently, Guilbeault thinks it’s up to him:

“Oil and gas companies are making record profits.

It’s time for them to make record investments in clean energy and reducing pollution.”

Guilbeault isn’t promoting or supporting the oil & gas sector – which would be in our national security interest.

Instead, he is demanding the right to dictate what they do with their profits.

More absurdly, he seems to believe that he gets to decide when they’ve made ‘enough’ money.

In a free country, it’s not the government’s job to say when a company is ‘too profitable’:

And it is especially pathetic for Guilbeault to be saying this.

If the oil & gas sector was struggling, Guilbeault would be crowing about how that supposedly shows the oil & gas sector being ‘phased out.’

And talking about ‘too much profit’ also masks the fact that Liberal government policy has artificially restrained Canada’s oil & gas sector.

Of course they will have high short-term profits when there is a global shortage of energy due to war and insane ‘green’ policies that left much of the Western world dependent on authoritarian dictatorships for energy.

But that short-term gain only masks the long-term pain the oil & gas sector in Canada has experienced. Over $150 BILLION worth of oil & gas projects have been cancelled in Canada during the Liberals’ time in office, meaning Canada could have had much lower energy costs, and global energy prices could be lower had we fully utilized our energy resources.

If you artificially restrict production of something that is in high demand, of course those who produce it will profit. But that doesn’t change the fact that Canada’s oil & gas sector has been struggling.

So, for Guilbeault to complain about the impact of his own policies is an absolute joke.

Economic illiteracy everywhere

From Guilbeault, to Trudeau, to Jagmeet Singh, and much of the media, economic illiteracy runs rampant.

The Liberals have made it tougher to produce, flooded the country with borrowed money, and raised taxes.

That can only end with stagnation and inflation.

For them to complain now just demonstrates their ignorance.

How can you build an ambitious future with those who despise what helps build civilization?

Even amid such difficult economic times, there is reason to be hopeful about the future. Just look at what SpaceX is doing:

Human innovation can achieve truly amazing things, and the future could bring advances and wonders we can’t even imagine.

Canada is also – theoretically – poised for a bright future, given our well-educated population, history of defending individual freedom, and immense energy resources.

But we won’t have that bright future if we don’t live up to our full potential.

And we won’t live up to our full potential with eco socialists like Steven Guilbeault making decisions.

Oil & gas companies helped to build this country. They power it. They create jobs. They pay huge amounts of taxes, which goes to roads, schools, hospitals, the military, and more.

Guilbeault has done none of that, and he shouldn’t get to dictate anything to Canada’s oil & gas industry.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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