The Trudeau Government Should Stop Targeting Law-Abiding Firearm Owners & Start Putting Public Safety Ahead Of Narrow Political Interests

In a world of limited financial resources, money spent going after law-abiding Canadians is money that can’t be used to confront the surge in violent crime.

As much as the Liberal government may act as if they have unlimited financial resources, the reality is that governments must always pick and choose.

Spending more in one area generally means spending less in another.

Refusing to make that choice is still a choice, a choice to borrow more money, run higher deficits, and – over time – reduce the value of our currency, which leads to societal-wide negative consequences.

When it comes to spending on law enforcement and the justice system, the choices are quite stark.

And here in Canada, it’s clear that the Liberal government has decided to prioritize their narrow political interests ahead of the public safety of Canadians.

The Liberals are on a seemingly never-ending crusade against law-abiding Canadian gun owners.

With their amendments to Bill C-21, the Liberals seek to criminalize and take away the property of many Canadian hunters, farmers, and sport shooters.

Meanwhile, the Liberals have lessened sentences for those who commit violent crimes – including robberies – while in possession of a firearm.

This is all about politics for the Liberals, as the law-abiding Canadians they’re targeting tend not to vote Liberal in large numbers, while the Liberals believe they can gain votes in urban areas by claiming they’re ‘doing something’ about guns.

And because many Canadians are influenced by stories from the US media when it comes to gun crime and are often unaware that our gun laws are already quite different, the Liberals often get away with their dishonest rhetoric and policies.

In fact, Trudeau is still trying to push a dishonest narrative:

However, the surge in violent crime in Canada is becoming more and more difficult for the government to spin.

Reality is reality, regardless of what the government says about it, and the reality Canadians are seeing is that targeting law-abiding gun owners doesn’t actually do anything to reduce crime.

With the recent tragic and outrageous killing of OPP Constable Grzegorz Pierzchala – in which the suspect was out on bail after assaulting a peace officer combined with weapons offences – and it’s beyond obvious that spending time, resources, and political capital going after law-abiding firearm owners is a huge mistake.

Govern for all Canadians

All governments spend some time pandering to their base. It’s an inevitable part of politics.

But it must have its limits, and public safety should certainly be one of those limits.

The longer the Liberals continue to put their political interests ahead of public safety, the more divided and unsafe Canada will become.

The Liberal government must finally recognize that now isn’t a time for political games, it’s a time for common-sense policies that focus on criminals, rather than criminalizing law-abiding Canadians.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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