Jagmeet Singh – Who Continues To Prop The Liberals Up In Parliament – Slams Liberal “Broken Promises” On Boil Water Advisories

If only the Liberals weren’t complacent due to having a de facto majority thanks to Jagmeet Singh…

At this point, I seem to write one of these kinds of articles every day: Jagmeet Singh criticizes the Liberals as if he isn’t propping them up.

But I’m going to keep writing about it as long as Singh keeps pursuing such a stunningly hypocritical approach.

Singh has made a big political bet on the population being ignorant, and the best way to ensure that bet doesn’t pay off is to keep sharing the truth.

So, when Singh tries to distance himself from the failed Liberal record while simultaneously keeping them in power, it must be called out.

With that in mind, here’s one of Singh’s latest attempts to fool people:

“28 years without clean water.

8 years of broken promises from Justin Trudeau.

9 years of Pierre Poilievre doing nothing to fix it when he was in government.

When I’m Prime Minister, Indigenous communities will not have to fix these problems alone.”

Singh’s criticisms have some truth to them.

Boil water advisories have been a problem under both Conservative & Liberal governments, and Justin Trudeau has indeed been consistently breaking promises on that file.

The problem is that Singh is part of the Liberal government now.

Canadians denied the Liberals a majority in the 2021 election, and Singh decided to step in and give them a de facto majority anyway.

The NDP votes with the Liberals over and over again.

The Liberals face less accountability at committees because of NDP support.

The Liberals have the ability to pick and choose when an election happens – given how weak Singh has been and how unwilling he has been to rescind the Liberal-NDP Pact.

So, Singh can’t have it both ways.

He can’t prop up the Liberals, vote with them over and over and over again, help them avoid accountability at committees, and then turn around and pretend he’s opposing them.

At this point, the failures of the Liberals are Singh’s failures as well, and we need to call it out.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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