Federal Government To “Cheapen” Citizenship Ceremony

‘Post-national’ citizenship now a click away.

The Liberal government will be ending the need for Citizenship ceremonies in some situations.

Many will now be able to become Canadian Citizens with just a click of a mouse or tap of a finger on a screen.

As reported by Blacklock’s Reporter, “The public swearing of the oath, a Citizenship Act requirement since 1947, will lapse effective July 1. The Department of Citizenship in a legal notice Saturday said qualified applicants will be able to swear allegiance to Canada by clicking a box on a government website: ‘Whether online or in person it is intended to be meaningful.’”

Daniel Bernhard – CEO of the Institute for Canadian Citizenship – said the move will “cheapen” the significance of becoming a Canadian:

“This just further cheapens the significance of becoming a Canadian citizen. It’s just as easy to click terms and conditions to become a citizen as it is to create a Facebook or a TikTok account. That’s really a shame.”

‘Post-National’ State

In the past, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has spoken of Canada as a “post-national” state.

Despite history showing showing that nationalism – when it is based on core values like defending freedom and upholding individual rights – can be a positive, Justin Trudeau sees it only as a negative.

And weakening the meaning of the Citizenship ceremony will further the agenda of eroding the unifying values that bring Canadians together.

It’s a sad moment for our country, especially at a time when we need more unity and more of a focus on shared values so we can manage the challenge of an increasingly dangerous world.

Spencer Fernando


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