Canada Needs More Police Funding, More Prisons, And More Mental Institutions

Get back to the basics to fight surging crime.

“You gotta help us doc, we’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas!”

That about sums up the elitist Liberal approach to out-of-control crime in this country.

Every time another horrific event occurs, and every time we show the statistics of how violent crime is rising, they talk about the ‘complexities’ of the situation and then throw out a word salad.

But have you noticed the one thing they don’t ever do?

They never admit their approach to crime is flawed. For people who claim to be all about ‘the science’ and ‘the evidence,’ they ignore all the evidence showing that soft-on-crime policies are an absolute disaster.

Because the Liberal elites tend to live in safe areas and are largely insulated from crime, they have the luxury of being ‘compassionate’ and ‘progressive’ towards criminals.

But that ‘compassion’ leads to violence and cruelty against innocent law-abiding people, and is costing the lives of brave police officers.

Somehow, those in power have forgotten that reducing crime is actually very simple: Keep dangerous people away from innocent people.

That’s what prisons are for, and that’s what tough sentences are for.

If someone has committed violent crimes, and that person is jailed, and kept in jail, they can’t commit more violent crimes in public.


If someone has a severe mental illness that makes them a violent threat to others, they can’t be a threat to others if they are locked away in a mental institutions.

Thus, to reduce crime in Canada we need to build more prisons, build more mental institutions, put more people in those mental institutions, and keep them there longer.

This is actually a very compassionate policy, because it’s compassionate towards law-abiding people, and to those with severe mental illness who will be put in a place where they can’t harm themselves or others.

We also need to increase funding for the police, as an increase in arrests will require more officers, and a stronger police presence in our cities will help to deter criminals.

In addition to locking up more people for longer, we also need more mental health support for those who need help yet aren’t a violent threat to others.

A problem with mental institutions in the past was an overzealousness in locking people away even when they weren’t violent, and that’s not something we should repeat. But we have gone so far the other away by refusing to lock up dangerous mentally ill individuals that getting back to a balance will certainly require the construction of more mental institutions.

This is all about common-sense. We need to punish criminals, lock away those who are dangerous, and keep them away from law-abiding innocent Canadians. And we need to defeat every single politician who disagrees with this.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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