Thanks to the internet and social media, there has been a proliferation of useful information and unique perspectives that enhance the storehouse of human knowledge.
Of course, the opposite is also true.
There has been a proliferation of stunningly unhinged and bad takes.
And below, you’ll see an example of the latter as former CTV Vancouver host Tamara Taggert claims the end of B.C. mask mandates at hospitals and long-term care homes is “eugenics.”
Obviously, she’s wrong.
Here’s how Eugenics is defined by the National Human Genome Research Institute:
“Eugenics is the scientifically erroneous and immoral theory of “racial improvement” and “planned breeding,” which gained popularity during the early 20th century. Eugenicists worldwide believed that they could perfect human beings and eliminate so-called social ills through genetics and heredity. They believed the use of methods such as involuntary sterilization, segregation and social exclusion would rid society of individuals deemed by them to be unfit.”
You’ll note that “removing a mask mandate” doesn’t make the list. For Taggart to say the removal of the mandate is “eugenics, like 100%,” is simply a false statement.
Taggart was a news anchor on CTV in Vancouver for nearly a decade, and many would have seen her as a reasonable voice. But there’s nothing reasonable about throwing around the term “eugenics” in such a cheap manner.
It’s similar to how the word “genocide” has been cheapened, as it is applied to things supposedly currently happening in Canada. Maybe it’s a Vancouver thing, considering the former Vancouver Mayor claimed that removing an illegal homeless encampment was “genocidal.”
Many people have just decided that anything they don’t like is now immediately the most evil crime ever perpetrated in human history, rather than just being something they disagree with.
“Genocide” and “eugenics” are the most evil things human beings can do, and we must not let those words be cheapened. Otherwise, our capacity to confront and defeat true evil will continue to erode.
Spencer Fernando
Photo – Twitter