The Liberals Have Destroyed The Canadian Dream. Restoring It Requires Lower Immigration

By ramping up immigration far above the level the housing market could handle, the Liberals guaranteed housing prices would surge.

No matter how much the Liberals try to gaslight Canadians by blaming others, the fact is that Canada’s housing affordability crisis is a supply and demand problem.

And it’s a supply and demand problem the Liberals deliberately created.

By ramping up immigration far above the level the housing market could handle, the Liberals guaranteed housing prices would surge.

This is what happens when supply can’t keep up with demand.

Immigration levels are controlled by the federal government.

This means the Liberals – along with their NDP enablers – are responsible for pricing countless Canadians out of the housing market.

It cannot be emphasized enough that the Liberals did this on purpose.

They wanted this to happen.

They made it happen.

And so, the next time you see a Liberal politician trying to demonize the Conservatives or trying to blame others for the horrendous state of things in Canada, remember that things are bad because the Liberals wanted them to be bad.

By ignoring the law of supply and demand, by flooding the country with people at an unsustainable pace, the Liberals have sought to deliberately destroy the Canadian Dream.

To restore that dream, immigration needs to be cut, and the Liberals need to be defeated.

Spencer Fernando


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