Trudeau Isn’t ‘Asking’ Canadians To Pay More, He’s Forcing Canadians To Pay More

Enough with the BS.

Justin Trudeau says “we’re asking the wealthiest few to pay a little bit more.

Let’s be real here: That’s absolute BS.

They’re not asking.

The Liberal government doesn’t ask.

It orders, and it punishes those who don’t listen.

It’s disgustingly passive aggressive for Trudeau – wielding the power of the government – to pretend he’s just asking someone for a favour.

And it’s not just the wealthiest few who will be hit by the capital gains tax hike. Many Canadians – including many who are not rich at all – will have their money stolen from them by the Trudeau government.

And it’s not just a little bit more to the people who worked for it and earned it. Why should they lose out because Trudeau is a garbage Prime Minister who can’t balance a budget?

Why should he get to take even more money away from Canadians?

Moreover, we will all lose when productive hardworking people leave the country to escape overbearing taxes and stagnation.

So, in just one sentence, Trudeau managed to lie three times.

He’s not asking, it’s not just the wealthy being taxed, and it’s not just a little bit more.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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