Why Was The Media So Eager To Praise Elizabeth May?

Remember, rather than having ascended to the top through strong competition, much of the media and corporate elite in Canada are instead highly dependent on the government. They are dependent on subsidies to stay in business, and depend on government overreach to keep competitors down.


When Elizabeth May – who has praised Omar Khadr and once said she takes her “marching orders from the permanent representative of Palestine to Canada,” stated that there was nothing to worry about regarding supposed ‘lists’ of traitorous MPs, much of the media seemed to breath a sigh of relief.

They seemed so happy to have a chance to just make the whole thing go away.

Which, when you think about it, is quite odd and disturbing.

Shouldn’t the legacy media be absolutely obsessed with this?

Isn’t this exactly why the media exists, to investigate potential disloyalty within the government and to help make Canadians aware that our nation is being subverted?

Why are they so desperate to convince people “there’s nothing to see here?”

Because they feel their power slipping away, and are desperately trying to salvage the credibility of a crumbling system.

Remember, rather than having ascended to the top through strong competition, much of the media and corporate elite in Canada are instead highly dependent on the government. They are dependent on subsidies to stay in business, and depend on government overreach to keep competitors down.

This has bred weakness, complacency, and a fear of competition. They rely on artificial constraints in order to maintain their status.

They are thus unworthy of their power and influence and – at some level – they recognize this.

As a result, they are terrified to see Canadians pushing for a change in government, and they are terrified to see the power structure lose legitimacy. And so, instead of seeking to hold the government accountable, they are trying to prop up the image of the government.

Elizabeth May is a defender of that same crumbling power structure. She is committed to keeping Canadians docile and dependent rather than aware and independent. That aligns her with the attitude of the legacy media, an attitude Canada must overcome if we are to restore trust in our democratic institutions.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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