The weak and petty jealousy behind support for the Liberal capital gains tax hike is the attitude bringing Canada down.
The Liberal’s capital gains tax hike has proven far less popular than they thought. The initial government messaging that it would impact just 0.13% of the population was quickly demolished, and many Canadians have realized a broad swath of the country will be impacted – both directly through tax hikes – and indirectly through doctors, entrepreneurs, investors, and other highly productive individuals leaving the country.
Still, many Liberal & NDP supporters are backing the move, and their support for it is an example of the attitude that is bringing Canada down.
Many people in this country still feel entitled to look at the success of other Canadians and demand that the government take from those successful people to ‘redistribute’ the wealth.
It’s pure jealousy, pettiness, and weakness.
Instead, people should look at those who are successful and be inspired to succeed in the same way. We should be making it easier for everyone to succeed, which means lowering taxes, encouraging more growth and investment, and getting government out of the way so businesses can compete, rise, and fall on their own merits rather than on who has the best lobbyists and the most government contracts.
Jealousy and pettiness – hallmarks of socialism – can’t build a strong economy, they can only destroy it.
Spencer Fernando