After Telford Testimony, The Case For A Public Inquiry Is Even Stronger

The Liberal government position now amounts to “trust us.” But that trust hasn’t been earned.

Katie Telford – Justin Trudeau’s Chief of Staff – is no idiot. The idea that she would say something that brings down the Liberal government was always unlikely, and few were expecting that.

What people did expect however was that she would continue what amounts to a desperate cover-up of China’s interference in Canada’s institutions and how that interference connects to the Liberal Party. And that’s exactly what happened.

Telford dodged most direct questions, said she wasn’t the right person to ask about national security matters, and reiterated Trudeau’s view that leaving David Johnston in charge was the right move. Of course, Johnston – as Trudeau’s family friend and a former member of the Trudeau Foundation – completely lacks credibility, so it’s no surprise that Telford endorses Trudeau’s plan of hiding behind Johnston.

There was one interesting moment however, a moment that is all the more ‘notable’ given past statements by the Liberal government.

At one point, Telford said “there is nothing that is ever kept from the Prime Minister”:

In the video below, you can watch Telford’s remarks, and then contrast those remarks with what the Liberals have said about past scandals:

“The easiest way to keep up with Liberal lies is to assume that they always lie.

Katie Telford: “There is nothing that is ever kept from the Prime Minister.””

So, which is it?

Is nothing kept from Trudeau?

Or was he aware of all the things the Liberals claimed he wasn’t aware of.

These are the kinds of traps an organization falls into when they become a personality cult:

Trudeau must simultaneously be all-known and completely in control, while also being completely insulated from all potential scandals by having others take the blame.

Telford of course has a clear interest in keeping the Trudeau cult going, because her power is an extension of Trudeau being the Prime Minister.

This same kind of thinking has influenced the entire Liberal response to the China interference scandal.

First, they said there was no scandal.

Then the said it was racist to talk about it.

Then they said it wasn’t a big deal.

Then they said it was all about partisanship.

Then they said they took it very seriously, while ignoring all calls for a full public inquiry.

The Liberals tried to make the whole issue disappear, and when that failed they tried to pivot towards being ‘very concerned’ about it.

But their actions don’t match their words.

Every day they continue to refuse to call a public inquiry is another day they look like they have something big to hide, and Katie Telford’s evasive & contradictory testimony only makes that more obvious.

The Liberals expect Canadians to trust the government. But after so many lies, that simply hasn’t been earned.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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