Melanie Joly’s Disqualifying Admission

If we had even a half-decent government, the Foreign Minister admitting she sets Canada’s foreign policy based on demographics in her riding would end her tenure.

Melanie Joly has been one of the worst Foreign Affairs Ministers in Canadian history.

Similar to Justin Trudeau, Joly often appears simultaneously overwhelmed with and uninterested in her job, preferring to focus on political pandering rather than policy & principle.

And now, Joly has made an admission that should – but likely won’t – bring about the end of her time in the Foreign Affairs Minister role.

As reported by former NDP Leader and now CTV News contributor Tom Mulcair, Joly openly admitted to him that she is setting Canada’s foreign policy based on the demographics of her riding:

“From early mixed messaging on a ceasefire to the indecipherable Canadian position in response to South Africa’s genocide accusations before the International Court of Justice, there’s been a lot to discuss and debate about the Liberals’ policies.

When I spoke with Joly about the Liberal reaction to the South African position she said something that floored me: “Thomas, have you seen the demographics of my riding”? I know that “all politics is local,” but I was astonished to hear such a candid admission that very local politics were playing such a role in shaping Canada’s foreign policy on this highly complex and sensitive issue.”

Read that again:

“When I spoke with Joly about the Liberal reaction to the South African position she said something that floored me: “Thomas, have you seen the demographics of my riding”?”

To say this is appalling would be an understatement.

And it reveals that Joly is not only deeply incompetent but also deeply amoral.

At a time when Canada’s Jewish community is under assault, Joly is pandering to anti-Israel sentiment and shifting Canada’s entire foreign policy in an anti-Israel direction all because of her narrow political interests.

This is far worse than incompetence. An incompetent leader with good intentions can at least surround themselves with competent people.

An incompetent leader with ill intentions can do disastrous damage, as Joly has done to Canada’s place in the world, our national unity, and the Jewish community.

Unfortunately for Canadians, Joly’s mix of incompetence and amorality is simply a reflection of Justin Trudeau, meaning he is unlikely to make a change in the Foreign Affairs Ministry despite Joly’s disqualifying admission.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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