RIGGED: Liberals Already Moving Goalposts On Teck Frontier

Trudeau government “inventing new criteria,” as decision nears.

Alberta’s Teck Frontier mine has already met all requirements and been declared in the national interest.

That means the project should be approved, since it has met the standards set for approval.

Yet, with a decision on the massive project looming, we can see the Trudeau Liberals already moving the goalposts.

Speaking to the media, Liberal ‘special Prairie representative’ Jim Carr now says the project must “get to zero emissions” for approval, a criteria which is NOT part of the approval process.

Conservative MP Shannon Stubbs pointed out how this amounts to the Liberals “moving the goalposts again…”

“Minister Carr says Teck approval ‘depends on the capacity to get to zero emissions.’ The joint prov/fed panel said Teck meets all GHG standards. Ability to reach net zero is not a current requirement but Liberals are moving the goalposts again and inventing new criteria.”

When we hear things like this, it’s why more and more people see the process as RIGGED.

You know very well that this is how the Liberals operate. It’s not about evidence-based decisions, it’s not about facts, and it’s not about the national interests.

By all fair-minded criteria, the Teck Frontier mine should have been approved.

But by adding more and more criteria and moving the goalposts repeatedly, the Liberals appear to be rigging the approval process against the project, against Alberta, and against the interests of Canada.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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