Join The National Citizens Coalition Campaign To TAKE CANADA BACK

We need a Canada where “regular, hardworking Canadians have the say, NOT the loudest radical group.”

The National Citizens Coalition is fighting to Take Canada Back, and is encouraging you to join the campaign.

As the NCC says, “Activists have overtaken our national agenda, attempting to shut down our economy and way of life.

We have entitled political leadership with multiple ethics violations, who are once again under investigation, this time for enriching family and friends with your money.

Too many are overwhelmed with fear and anxiety due to COVID-19. Our businesses are failing. Mental health issues and suicide rates are way up, and we still have no clear measure of success or timelines for reopening safely.

Canadians deserve better.”

The NCC asks a question more and more of us have been asking lately:

“Is Canada really for Canadians anymore?”

The fact that the answer to that question isn’t immediately obvious is exactly why we need to Take Back our nation.

We need a Canada “where regular, hardworking Canadians have the say, NOT the loudest radical group.”

The NCC has released a new ad for the TAKE CANADA BACK campaign, which you can watch below:

You can join the campaign at the link below:


Spencer Fernando

Photo – Facebook