Debt Disaster: This Chart Shows How Canada’s Stunning Debt Surge Outpaces Comparable Nations

Truly appalling.

Charts are usually boring.

But once in a while, they speak volumes, and sum up a situation in a way endless words never could.

And the chart below does exactly that:

Amid this “unprecedented” surge in debt, look at who ‘leads’ the pack.

Canada has witnessed a truly astounding increase in debt, with our government debt, household debt, and corporate debt all skyrocketing way above other comparable countries.

We were all hit with the same virus from China, and many comparable nations have lower death totals, lower unemployment, and did all of that with far lower spending.

Meanwhile, Canadians were already deeply indebted, and it’s clearly getting worse.

This shows why the criticism of the Trudeau Liberal government is accurate. They really have spent more than almost anywhere else, while failing to get the same results.

And, as I’ve noted before, even amid all of this, they keep doubling down on their virtue-signalling ‘green agenda,’ meaning our crippled economy will be further damaged by stagnation and skyrocketing debt levels.

Share this chart far and wide so people get the true picture of the situation our nation is in.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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