Green Party Leader Right To Push For Olympic Relocation

Canada should have no part in an event that will be used by China to distract from the actions of the Chinese Communist Party.

You won’t see me write this often, but the Green Party is right about something.

In this case, it’s their new leader Annamie Paul pushing for the Olympics to be relocated from China, due to China’s ongoing genocide against the Uighurs.

Here’s what Paul said on Twitter:

“.@CanadianGreensare calling for the 2022 Olympics to be relocated from Beijing due to ongoing genocide against Uighurs. Canada should consider whether it is feasible to offer itself as an alternative host, given our experience and venues #cdnpoli #Uighurs:”

Paul’s proposal of moving the Olympics to Canada/the US is worth looking into, though it would need to be very clear shown that it would bring in a net financial benefit to Canada given our current budgetary situation.

Either way, whether the Olympics come to Canada and the US or are moved elsewhere, the most important thing is that Canada not participate in a spectacle that would be used to bolster the image of the Chinese Communist Party and distract from the actions of the CCP.

The actions of the CCP, including the destruction of democracy in Hong Kong, genocide against the Uighurs, and of course their kidnapping of two innocent Canadian Citizens, are a direct repudiation of all the values upon which Canada is based, and we would do a huge disservice to those values if we participated in the Olympics in China.

The leaders of all the parties should get behind Annamie Paul’s push for the relocation of the Olympics.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube