Trudeau Government Now Reduced To Asking US For Extra Vaccines

Canada, a supposedly wealthy, technologically-advanced, first-world nation, has become a beggar on the world stage when it comes to vaccines.

The US has confirmed that Canada is asking for the US to help give our country more vaccines, a clear sign that domestic production and the supposedly ‘first-in-line’ federal vaccine procurement hasn’t quite worked out.

That was already obvious, given how the Trudeau government has been nearly alone in saying a four-month delay between doses is acceptable, and in the unwillingness to even temporarily pause the AstraZeneca vaccine despite concerns in other countries.

In a press conference, Biden Administration Press Secretary Jen Psaki discussed Canada’s request:

“We have received requests from both Mexico and Canada and are considering those requests carefully. I don’t have any update for you on whether they will be granted and a timeline for that.”

“We are still in the midst of fighting the war against the pandemic, right here,” added Psaki.

The Trudeau government had previously bragged that they ‘secured the most doses per capita,’ but all they actually ‘achieved’ was signing expensive contracts for a whole bunch of potential future deliveries, many of which either haven’t actually panned out, or are delayed far behind other countries.

Yet again, Canada is placed in a position of subservience and lacks self-sufficiency, relying on other countries instead of ourselves, and yet again, the Trudeau government has spent a ton of money for a poor result.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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