“I do not who would be able to tell me what Canadian content is and what it is not, but I know it won’t be in the Minister of Heritage’s power to ever tell me.” – Senator David Adams Richards
In stirring remarks, Senator David Adams Richards – a highly-respected Canadian writer – denounced Bill C-11 for its vast expansion of government power over the Canadian creative industry.
Senator Richards pointed out that successful Canadian writers and singers and actors weren’t created by the government, and warned of the danger of putting control of defining “Canadian content” in the hands of the state.
“This law will be one of scapegoating all those who do not fit into what our bureaucrats think Canada should be,” said Senator Richards.
I could write more about what Senator Richards said, but I think it would be better simply to let his own remarks speak for themselves. I encourage you to share this video and help stand up for a Canada where individual Canadians – not the government – define what Canadian content means to us:
“Senator David Adams Richards tears apart Bill C-11, warning against censorship and government dictating what counts as Canadian culture. Powerful speech from one of Canada’s most acclaimed authors, having won Governor General’s Award for fiction and non-fiction and Giller Prize.”
Senator David Adams Richards tears apart Bill C-11, warning against censorship and government dictating what counts as Canadian culture. Powerful speech from one of Canada’s most acclaimed authors, having won Governor General’s Award for fiction and non-fiction and Giller Prize. pic.twitter.com/eU2BYWpeZs
— Michael Geist (@mgeist) January 31, 2023
Spencer Fernando
Photo – Twitter