Under Pressure From The Opposition, Federal Government Cracks Down On Canadian Research Partnerships With China’s Military

“Why does it take news of a threat to our national security for this government to respond?” asked Opposition Foreign Affairs Critic Michael Chong.

The Liberal government has exhibited a predictable pattern when it comes to dealing with China.

They start out taking the most naïve position possible.

They claim that anyone who raises concerns about China is ‘fearmongering.’

They let China increase their influence over our nation.

They watch as our allies and the Canadian public become more and more concerned.

Pressure builds as negative news stories pile up and experts warn of the danger facing the nation.

Then – and only then – do the Liberals end up doing what the Opposition (usually the Conservatives rather than the NDP) has been calling for.

And so it was with the Liberal response to growing concern over Canada’s partnerships with China’s military scientists.

Yes, it is indeed absurd that the sentence above was even written, as it should be a no-brainer for Canada to exclude China’s military scientists from research partnerships, but here we are.

After multiple news stories, and immense pressure from the Opposition – CPC Finance Critic Michael Chong has done a great job bringing attention to the issue – the Liberals finally announced some steps to crack down on the partnerships:


This statement is a step in the right direction.

It still falls short – as Canadian universities should not be ‘urged’ to follow similar guidelines – they should be made to do so. Given that it’s an issue of national security, the government has ample authority to compel universities to cease all partnerships with the militaries of countries like China.

And, as noted by Michael Chong, the fact that it took so much pressure for the Liberals to take even the most basic and obvious step is concerning:

“1/ Conservatives have been calling on the Trudeau government to ban research funding with Beijing in sensitive areas for years.

Why does it take news of a threat to our national security for this government to respond?”


“2/ And the government’s response is just an announcement – nothing more. No action has been taken yet.

From the statement:

“This enhanced policy will be implemented rapidly … ”

In other words, this enhanced policy has not yet been implemented.”


“3/ A healthy dose of scepticism is needed with this government because we’ve seen this movie before.

Two years ago, in response to our criticism on this very issue of research funding with Beijing, the government responded by making an announcement.

Remember this?”


“4/ That announcement led to “guidelines” 4 months later that supposedly were going to protect national security & intellectual property.

Problem is the guidelines didn’t work. The gov’t continued to fund research with Beijing in sensitive areas, including its military.”


“5/ So, we’ll see if today’s announcement leads to any real action to stop the funding of research with Beijing in sensitive areas.

This government needs to focus less on communications & spin, and more on substance & action.

Canada’s national security is at stake.”


Given the Liberal track-record on national security, Canadians are rightfully skeptical that real action will be taken.

The Liberals have long-since lost the benefit of the doubt when it comes to protecting Canada from China.

Spencer Fernando


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