Liberals Filibustering To Prevent Trudeau’s Chief Of Staff From Testifying

“They are in full filibuster mode – fully prepared to waste as much time as possible to obstruct the committee’s investigation into Beijing’s election meddling,” said Conservative MP Michael Cooper.

Liberal members of a committee investigating election interference appear to be filibustering the proceedings, speaking constantly in order to slow things down and prevent a motion passing that would bring Trudeau’s Chief of Staff Katie Telford in to testify.

Conservative MPs and officials are criticizing the Liberals for the move:

“It appears Trudeau has ordered his Liberals at committee to block his Chief of Staff from testifying at all costs.

They are in full filibuster mode – fully prepared to waste as much time as possible to obstruct the committee’s investigation into Beijing’s election meddling.”

“There is a very important motion being debated right now calling on the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff to testify on allegations of foreign interference.

Liberal MP, @GregFergus, has been filibustering now for 30 minutes to block a vote.

This is a #COVERUP of astronomical proportions!”

“BREAKING- Liberal MPs at committee investigating foreign election interference are filibustering to block Trudeau’s chief of staff from answering questions at committee.”

While the Prime Minister attempted to give the impression that he wanted to investigate China’s foreign interference in our elections, his refusal to call for a full public inquiry, and the actions of Liberal MPs on key committees demonstrates the exact opposite.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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