As The U.K. Takes Steps To Confront Surging Anti-Semitism, Trudeau’s Inaction Becomes More Glaring

The Liberal government appears more interested in pushing ‘both-sidesism’ as a way to avoid acknowledging the uniquely dangerous moment we are in.

Through their history, the United Kingdom has had many moments of greatness.

And perhaps the greatest moment was when they stood – nearly alone – against Nazi Germany for over a year.

Germany started off World War Two in a quasi-alliance with the Soviet Union, and the United States had not yet entered the war.

Many initially felt it was only a matter of time before the United Kingdom was the next to fall, after much of Europe was either conquered by Germany or joined the Axis.

However, under the leadership of Winston Churchill, the U.K. stood strong, refused to give in, refused to surrender, and kept the Nazi’s occupied long enough for events begin to turn in the Allies favour.

Understandably, and justifiably, a key aspect U.K. identity is to stand against oppressive regimes wherever they may be found. It’s one reason why the U.K. has been such a strong supporter of Ukraine’s fight for survival against Russia, and why the U.K. is one of the few NATO countries that – unlike Canada – actually meets their NATO spending commitment.

However, in the wake of Hamas’ horrific terror attack against Israel, the U.K. is starting to realize that a significant portion of their population holds genocidal and anti-Semitic views that disturbingly echo the Nazis that the U.K. helped defeat so many years ago.

The U.K. has seen massive rallies in favour of Hamas, with attendees openly expressing support for the genocidal terrorist organization and creating a threatening environment for Jewish People in Europe.

Now, faced with the prospect of having defeated the Nazi’s so many years ago only to have imported genocidal anti-Semitism through the immigration system, the U.K. is beginning to push back.

In a letter to the Chief Constables in England and Wales, the U.K. Minister of State for Immigration and Minister of State for Crime are making it clear that those promoting anti-Semitism and glorifying terrorism should be deported where possible.


The U.K. Secretary of State for Business also made a statement proclaiming that calls for Jihad and anti-Semitism violate the U.K. social contract:

“My statement today calling out the hostility directed towards our Jewish community.

Odious people ripping down posters of missing children and mobs carrying placards of hate, do not reflect British values. They breach the social contract of civility we owe to all our neighbours.”

These strong statements and actions by the U.K. stand in stark contrast to the absence of such actions in Canada.

In fact, there are even still planned rallies in Canada openly calling for the glorification of the supposed ‘martyrs’ – AKA the vile terrorists who butchered, raped, and tortured thousands of people in Israel:

What we are seeing here is clear.

The U.K. is – belatedly – realizing that there is a real clash of civilizations taking place, and that Western nations must strongly and decisively reestablish a taboo against anti-Semitism and a taboo against glorifying terror. They recognize that doing so will likely require action taken by the police and immigration authorities to remove terrorist sympathizers from the country.

Meanwhile, Canada’s federal government is led by someone who believes Canada should be a ‘post-national’ state, and who is disgracefully trying to ‘both sides’ the battle between Israel and Hamas, rather than recognizing that Hamas is also Canada’s enemy and an enemy of all civilized human beings.

While the U.K. wakes up, Canada – thanks to our feckless, weak, and dishonest Liberal government – remains asleep as our Western values and our civilization is under attack.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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