HUH? In Statement, Melanie Joly Says… Well, Uhhh, Nobody Can Quite Figure That Out Yet


Following Canada’s abstention on a UN vote which disgracefully rewarded Hamas for their horrific terror attack by backing a move to make ‘Palestine’ a member state, Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly released a statement.

But here’s the thing.

Nobody can really figure out what the statement means.

In an era when incoherent statements are the norm for many politicians and officials, this one still stands out:

“(1/2) We continue to believe in a
two-state solution and a credible path should be built to achieve this.

That process cannot delay the creation of a Palestinian state.”

“(2/2) Canada is prepared to recognize the State of Palestine at the time most favorable to a lasting peace, not at the last step along the path.”

As noted by journalist Adam Zivo, there is simply no logic to Joly’s statement:

“The Minister’s statement genuinely does not make any sense — as in there is no way to logically parse out what she is trying to say.”

Canada believes in a two-state solution and a credible path, but that credible path cannot delay the creation of a Palestinian State – which is the ‘two-state solution’?


Canada will recognize a Palestinian state at a ‘favourable time,’ but not at the last step, even though the last step would be the recognition of a Palestinian state?


With statements like Joly’s, no wonder Canada’s foreign policy is an incoherent joke that has left us disrespected by our adversaries and distrusted by our allies.

Spencer Fernando


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