WATCH: Canada Needs Less Socialism & More Capitalism

We need the government to get out of the way of ambitious individuals and innovative companies.

For far too long, Canada has been mired in socialist thinking.

We demonize those who are successful.

We subsidize failing companies.

We apologize for our energy sector and impose carbon taxes out of some sense of ‘green guilt.’

We restrain innovation in healthcare.

We seek to rapidly grow our population instead of growing our productivity.

And whenever there’s a problem, the first thing many think of is for the government to create an expensive and inefficient new program.

As a result of this socialist mindset, we are squandering our great potential.

Years of subordinating the individual to the collective has resulted in our nation being much poorer than it should be, and has caused our standard of living to decline.

This has to change.

Instead of more socialism, what Canada needs is more Capitalism.

We need less government, and more freedom.

We need the government to get out of the way of ambitious individuals and innovative companies.

Instead of putting our faith in government, we should put our faith in the creativity and strength of Canadians.

And instead of embracing a false sense of ‘niceness’ that is indistinguishable from weakness, we should embrace a mindset focused on achieving great things, expanding our wealth, and turning our nation into the prosperous paradise it should be.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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