Melanie Joly Pressures Israel Instead Of Hamas, Showing Cowardice & Incoherence

Logic clearly isn’t Joly’s strong suit. And she’s not alone. Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh, Heather McPherson, and Charlie Angus are all just as terrible.

Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly’s Tweet from October 17th, 2023 – when she was fooled by Hamas propaganda falsely blaming Israel for bombing a hospital – is still up.

Joly and her staff know the message was based on the lies of a terrorist organization, but the Tweet is still there.

This means Joly is too much of a coward to delete it, and chose to pander to ill-informed anti-Semites rather than speak the truth and acknowledge her error.

Unfortunately, Joly has learned nothing since then.

She – and the whole Liberal government – have only gotten worse.

Now, in one of Joly’s most recent messages, she’s calling for a ceasefire – while neglecting to even mention the hostages.

Joly’s cowardice is matched only by her incoherence.

Sadly, that incoherence has been echoed by leaders around the Western world, who are more interested in pandering to anti-Semitism for votes than in supporting Israel’s right to achieve victory over Hamas.

The war could end this very moment, if Hamas simply released the hostages and surrendered. By refusing to do so, it is Hamas – not Israel – that ensures the war continues.

Thus, the logical move is for officials like Joly to pressure Hamas and put the blame on Hamas, rather than pressuring Israel.

But logic clearly isn’t Joly’s strong suit. And she’s not alone. Justin Trudeau, Jagmeet Singh, Heather McPherson, and Charlie Angus are all just as terrible.

So, that sums up Canada’s Foreign Policy leadership these days.

A bunch of illogical cowards.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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