Canada’s Per Capita GDP Decline Just So Happens To Coincide With Justin Trudeau’s Time In Power

Canada has been subjected to an experiment under the Trudeau Liberals. That experiment has consisted of imposing ever-increasing carbon taxes, strangling the oil & gas sector, flooding the country with immigrants at an unsustainable pace, and flooding the country with borrowed money.

A graph making the rounds on social media is getting a lot of attention – and for good reason.

It shows how per capita GDP in Canada and the United States was largely in sync over many decades, before diverging in 2015.

Was it a good divergence for Canada?

Did it show Canada exceeding the United States?


Just the opposite.

Starting in 2015 – the year Justin Trudeau got elected – Canada’s per capita GDP growth started to stagnate, while the US raced ahead.

Both Canada and the United States experienced massive per capita GDP drops during the pandemic lockdowns, but the difference has been the recovery since then.

The U.S. rapidly returned to their pre-pandemic per capita growth trend.

But in Canada, not only have we failed to return to the pre-pandemic trend, we are now doing worse on a per capita basis than before the pandemic began.

This is something the Liberals are desperate to distract you from.

They constantly claim that ‘every country is struggling,’ and that Canada is supposedly doing as well as others.

But that simply isn’t true.

The scale of our per capita GDP decline, the scale of our absurd immigration increases, the scale of our housing affordability crisis, all stand out from our peers – and not in a good way.

Canada has been subjected to an experiment under the Trudeau Liberals. That experiment has consisted of imposing ever-increasing carbon taxes, strangling the oil & gas sector, flooding the country with immigrants at an unsustainable pace, and flooding the country with borrowed money.

We can see the results of that experiment all around us:

Broken dreams.

Broken people.

A broken nation.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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