Canada’s Democratic Institutions Are Rapidly Eroding Amid Liberal Refusal To Release Names Of Disloyal Parliamentarians

This is having a corrosive effect on the country, with more and more Canadians convinced that our Parliament is full of traitors.

The Liberal government is still refusing to release the names of treasonous Parliamentarians.

As a result, the government is rapidly losing credibility and legitimacy.

This is having a corrosive effect on the country, with more and more Canadians convinced that our Parliament is full of traitors.

Because the names of the disloyal Parliamentarians are not being released, all Parliamentarians are seen as under suspicion.

This is of course deeply unfair to all the MPs and Senators who are loyal to this country. The refusal to release the names is unfairly wrecking their reputations. There are many good and loyal MPs and Senators in this country, who don’t deserve to be lumped in with traitors. But until the names are released, everyone looks potentially disloyal.

As noted by Conservative MP Frank Caputo, “This places a cloud of suspicion over every single member of the House.”

Caputo also made another very important point. If the Liberals don’t release the names, Canadians will end up going to the ballot box not knowing if we are casting a vote for traitors.

What the Liberals are doing is making everyone appear guilty, instead of holding the guilty accountable.

Every day this goes on is another day in which our democracy erodes.

At some point, a critical mass of Canadians will completely lose any remaining faith in our government and our institutions, and history shows that leads to disaster.

For the good of our democracy and for the stability of our society, the Liberal government must release the names.

Spencer Fernando


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