Canada Must Declare Intention To Hit NATO Military Spending Target Says Business Council Of Canada

We need more Canadian business leaders to speak out in this way. At a time when hostile nations like China and Russia are rapidly building up their military forces, Canada must do the same, both to protect ourselves and keep our promises to our allies.

In a letter to the Prime Minister, Goldy Hyder – President and CEO of the Business Council of Canada – called for the government to make a public statement declaring Canada will spend 2% of GDP on national defence by 2029-2030.

While that timeline is much too far in the future, it is at least a small sign that people in this country are realizing that any real self-respecting nation must have the ability to defend itself.

In the letter to Trudeau, Hyder noted that our allies are running out patience, writing “Just last month you received a letter from 23 U.S. Senators, both Democrats and Republicans, calling Canadians out for our shortfall in defence spending. The reality is that Canadian business leaders are met with similar calls and questions as we travel internationally and visit the capitals of our main allies.”

Hyder also noted that Canada could be “singled out” as the only NATO member that has failed to commit to hitting the 2% target by the end of this decade.

We need more Canadian business leaders to speak out in this way.

At a time when hostile nations like China and Russia are rapidly building up their military forces, Canada must do the same, both to protect ourselves and keep our promises to our allies.

We must not be naïve.

This is still a world in which nations must retain the capacity for violence on a massive scale. We need to build more weapons, recruit more soldiers, and be prepared for war, while hoping that war never comes.

Investing in our military is a statement of our resolve and vitality as a nation. If we truly love our nation, then we must ensure it is well protected.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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