Under Jagmeet Singh, The NDP Has Abandoned Working Class Canadians

The NDP’s support for absurd immigration increases is antithetical to the party’s historic focus on working-class People.

At one point, the NDP could have credibly claimed to be a party that supported working-class Canadians.

Though it is easy to forget now, the NDP often campaigned against policies that they feared would reduce the bargaining power of workers.

No longer.

Under Jagmeet Singh, the NDP has chosen to be part of one of the most anti-worker eras in Canadian history.

Since the Liberals embarked on the radical experiment of ramping up immigration levels far beyond what Canada could handle, the bargaining power of Canadian workers has crumbled.

The following two charts make that clear.

The first shows the surge in temporary foreign workers – workers who themselves have the least bargaining power and are thus the most vulnerable. And, as noted by Mike Moffat, the surge in temporary foreign workers coincides with the Liberal-NDP confidence & supply agreement:


The second chart shows the divergence in wages in Canada and the United States:

Objectively speaking, the NDP’s decision to ally themselves with Justin Trudeau has been disastrous for Canadian workers.

Thus, when Jagmeet Singh tries to position the NDP as a pro-worker party, his words are empty. There is simply no world in which a party can claim to support working-class Canadians while simultaneously supporting reckless immigration increases that drive down the bargaining power of Canadians.

Spencer Fernando


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