B’nai Brith Warns “Canada Is Becoming A Breeding Ground For Terrorists”

In the wake of the arrest of a Pakistani national being arrested in Canada for allegedly plotting a mass shooting terror attack against Jewish People in New York City, B’nai Brith warns that Canada is importing and exporting terrorism.

Following the arrest of a Pakistani national in Canada for allegedly plotting a terror attack in New York, B’nai Brith is warning Canadians that our country is becoming a breeding ground for terrorism.

You can read their statement below:

“B’nai Brith Canada was briefed today by federal officials and law enforcement about the arrest and indictment of Muhhamad Shahbez Khan, a Pakistani citizen who was residing in Canada on a student visa. Khan, who was believed to have been radicalized by an ISIS linked ideology, was arrested as he tried to unlawfully enter the United States to attack a Jewish institution in New York City.

We are presently not aware of any threat to Canada’s Jewish community.

Our government must act immediately to prevent the entry into Canada of those who harbour radical views and to prevent the further radicalization of its citizens.

Canada is becoming a breeding ground for terrorists. There can be no more excuses. The safety and security of our nation must remain paramount.”

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter