Contra Joly, Poll Shows Canadians Do Want Elections

Poor timing for the Foreign Minister.

At one point, the Liberals were somewhat sophisticated with their falsehoods.

They would include a bit of truth, or make claims vague enough to leave some room for interpretation.

But as their poll numbers have fallen, so has the quality of their lies.

And now, Liberal falsehoods are being debunked almost immediately.

That’s what happened to Foreign Minister Melanie Joly.

Earlier today, Joly claimed “Canadians don’t want elections.”

JOLY: “Canadians Don’t Want Elections”

But a new poll shows the exact opposite. According to Leger, a plurality of Canadians want a federal election to be called, far outpacing those who don’t want an election:

“Do you want a federal election to be called?”

Yes: 47%
No: 34%

Yes Among:
PPC: 83%
Conservatives 80%
NDP: 38%
Greens: 34%
Bloc: 31%
Liberals: 16%

Leger / Sept 8, 2024 / n=1521 / Online”

So, Joly’s claim is objectively false.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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