Why are Canadians not consulted on policies with such a wide-ranging impact on the country?
Given much of the political class moving in lockstep when it comes to immigration levels, you would think there was a widespread and clear consensus among Canadians.
Yet, that is not the case.
In fact, a new Leger survey shows Canadians are divided on the Liberal plan to raise immigration to 500,000 people per year.
The survey asked the following question:
“The Government of Canada recently released its immigration plan, which is to welcome 465,000 immigrants to Canada in 2023, 485,000 in 2024 and 500,000 in 2025. In 2021, Canada admitted over 405,000 immigrants. Which of the following best reflects your opinion about the government’s plan?”
In response, 49% of Canadians said “it will admit too many immigrants to Canada.”
31% said “it will admit the right amount of immigrants to Canada.”
5% said “it will not admit enough immigrants to Canada.”
And 16% said “I don’t know/prefer not to answer”.
It’s reasonable to guess that a portion of the “don’t know/won’t say” respondents were reluctant to express opposition to higher immigration for reasons of political correctness, meaning it is quite likely that a majority of respondents are against the higher immigration levels.
And, with just 5% saying they want more immigration, there is a 44 point gap between those who think the numbers are too high, and those who think they are too low.
The partisan breakdown is also quite interesting.
65% of Conservatives say the plan will bring in too many immigrants, compared to just 22% who support it.
Even the NDP is split, with 36% saying the plan will bring in too many people, compared to 38% who support it.
A majority of Bloc (71%), Green Party (52%), and PPC (81%) say the plan will bring in too many people.
Only Liberals support it, with 50% saying the plan brings in the right number of people. Yet, even among Liberals, 30% say it will bring in too many people, and just 7% say it isn’t bringing in enough people.
In effect, we have a massive and consequential policy being imposed without any clear consensus or clear support from the Canadian People.
The survey also shows intense concern about the impact on services and housing from higher immigration levels.
When asked “How concerned or unconcerned are you that the government’s immigration plan will result in excessive demand for housing and health and social services in Canada?”, 42% said they were “very concerned,” while 33% said they were “somewhat concerned.”
Just 15% said they were “not very concerned,” and 4% said they were “not at all concerned.”
Now, if Canada was building tons of housing, if our services were effective, and if our economy was booming on a per capita basis, there would be less concern.
But in the current economic environment, large-scale immigration increases without the infrastructure or economic strength to support higher numbers is not popular.
And given that immigration has a big impact on the country, it should be debated and discussed, rather than everyone pretending a consensus exists when it clearly doesn’t.
Sooner or later, this is inevitable.
Just as the CPC was unable to permanently ignore their membership’s strong opposition to vaccine mandates and draconian restrictions, so will the party be unable to ignore the fact that a clear majority of their supporters are opposed to Trudeau’s immigration increases.
While the Liberals and the bought-off media will try to demonize Conservatives as ‘racists’ for opposing higher immigration, independent media will push back on those pathetic demonization tactics.
The fact is that Canada is already a very diverse country, meaning Canadians of all backgrounds are expressing opposition to higher immigration.
Canadians have every right to debate, discuss, and decide our immigration levels, and it’s time for that conversation to happen.
Spencer Fernando
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