REPORT: Han Dong Resigns From Liberal Caucus

Dong will now sit as an Independent MP, following a bombshell report alleging he told a Chinese diplomat to delay the release of the two Michaels.

Liberal MP Han Dong has resigned from the Liberal Caucus.

Dong announced his resignation in the House of Commons:

His resignation follows a shocking report alleging he told China’s Consul General in Toronto to delay the release of the two Michaels for political purposes. Dong has denied the allegations.

You can read more about that report below:

Justin Trudeau Has Repeatedly Defended Liberal MP Han Dong. Now, A New Global News Report Alleges Dong Told A Chinese Diplomat To Delay The Release Of The Two Michaels

Trudeau’s repeated defence of Dong – including criticizing reports that CSIS warned him years ago about significant concerns – now looks even more suspect.

Canadians are demanding answers as our democracy is under assault, and only a full, independent public inquiry will suffice.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


Canadian democracy is facing unprecedent threats, and we need to speak out and stand up for our country. If you want to support my writing, you are encourage to contribute through PayPal or directly through Stripe below:


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