WATCH: Evasive Trudeau REFUSES To Answer Question On If He Was Aware Of Election Interference

He thinks we need a panel to to answer a question he could have just answered in the interview?

With Canadian democracy under attack, Justin Trudeau continues to give every indication that he’s terrified of the truth being revealed.

Following the resignation of Liberal MP Han Dong – who Trudeau has repeatedly praised – the PM was asked whether or not he was aware of China’s interference in the last election.

It was an easy question. The answer is either yes or no. There is no other real answer, and saying anything other than yes or no is clear evidence of evasiveness and dishonesty.

So, it’s not a big surprise that Trudeau refused to answer:

“The resignation of MP Han Dong from the Liberal caucus has put more pressure on the Liberals to call a public inquiry on election interference. We asked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau whether he was made aware of interference during the most recent election.”

Trudeau’s condescending tone is disgraceful. He clearly sees himself as above Canadians and is almost angry that he even needs to discuss all of this.

And yet, his remarks make absolutely no sense. He wasn’t asked a question that requires a ‘panel’ to answer, he was asked a question that he can answer with ease.

Either he was aware of the interference, or he wasn’t. Yes or no.

What we see yet again is that the whole idea of creating the ‘special rapporteur’ role is to buy time for the story to ‘go away.’ But it’s not going away. It’s clear that some patriotic officials within our government have had enough of Trudeau and his cronies allowing China to infiltrate and subvert our institutions, and have decided to continue to take action to protect Canadian democracy.

Those patriotic officials, combined with courageous reporters and the power of the voices of Canadians on social media who value our rights, freedoms, and democratic institutions, ensure that the story will continue to grow.

Without a full public inquiry, and without full accountability, we can assume these stories are going to keep emerging.

As I’ve said before, Canadians must realize that everything is at stake here. If the government silences the voices of Canadians and silences the brave whistleblowers, then China will win and Canadians will lose.

If that happens, Canadian democracy will crumble and wither away. Canada cannot remain a free and democratic nation if the Chinese Communist Party turns us into a quasi-vassal state. And make no mistake, that is exactly what China’s interference efforts are all about. The fact that the Prime Minister either doesn’t realize this or tacitly supports it is immensely disturbing, and make is even more clear that he doesn’t have what it takes to run this country.

His continued evasive ‘answer’s and attempts to delay a real investigation mean that suspicion and public anger are growing every day. Our most cherished democratic institutions are now under threat like never before, and we can’t even trust our own Prime Minister to do anything about it.

Spencer Fernando

Photo – Twitter


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