This time he’s serious about it!
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh really means it this time.
This time, he’s serious!
This isn’t just talk.
It’s no joke.
Things are different.
This is for real.
Singh is really upset at Justin Trudeau over the housing affordability crisis:
“Under Justin Trudeau, it costs more than ever to rent or buy a place to live.
Shuffling out-of-touch Ministers won’t change that.
What will?
Building more homes faster.
Keeping people in affordable housing – instead of kicking them out to make more money.”
Under Justin Trudeau, it costs more than ever to rent or buy a place to live.
Shuffling out-of-touch Ministers won’t change that.
What will?
Building more homes faster.
Keeping people in affordable housing – instead of kicking them out to make more money.
— Jagmeet Singh (@theJagmeetSingh) July 26, 2023
Now, let’s leave aside the rampant hypocrisy of Singh propping up the Liberal government and then complaining about the results of Liberal policies.
There’s another hypocrisy we have to address.
Singh is trying to portray himself as someone interested in solving the housing affordability crisis, when just last week he proposed what many called the worst housing policy idea we’ve seen in quite a long time.
Here’s part of a column I wrote about Singh’s proposal:
“NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh believes the Canadian housing market is overpriced. That’s one of the few things he is right about. Canada’s housing market has become severely distorted by a combination of Bank of Canada money printing, excessive federal spending, surging population numbers, and the widespread stagnation of our economy pushing much of the newly created money into fixed assets like housing.
So, what does Singh propose to do about this situation?
Use taxpayer dollars to subsidize mortgages.
I wish I were joking:
“NDP leader @theJagmeetSingh wants government subsidies for mortgage borrowers facing rising payments…”
NDP leader @theJagmeetSingh wants government subsidies for mortgage borrowers facing rising payments…
— Steve Saretsky (@SteveSaretsky) July 20, 2023
Instead of using his leverage, Singh complains
The NDP Leader has immense leverage over the Liberals.
At a time when they have become deeply unpopular amid the China election interference scandal and the stagnation of Canadians’ standard of living, the Liberals remain insulated from accountability because of their deal with the NDP.
They have a de facto majority, despite having been denied one by Canadian voters in the last election.
This means that Singh can extract significant concessions, because the alternative for the Liberals is to go to an election that – based on most public opinion polls – they would lose.
Yet, Singh chooses not to do this.
Instead, he complains.
Over and over and over again.
Singh acts like he has no power, when he is in fact the leader of a political party that is currently propping up the federal government.
This is because Singh is trying to have it both ways. He wants to take credit for the rare things that are going well in the country, while absolving himself of any responsibility for the many things that are going poorly.
Singh is like ‘Schrödinger’s leader,’ both part of the government part of the opposition simultaneously. The more he tries to be both things at once, the more his credibility will be called into question. After all – at this point – why would any of his pronouncements be taken seriously when we know he’ll just go back to supporting the Liberal government?
Spencer Fernando
Photo – YouTube