The Liberals Are Taking Advantage Of The Welcoming Nature Of Canadians

What we are seeing in this country is a deliberate effort to weaken what it means to be Canadian by weakening the idea of citizenship, weakening the emphasis on integration, and bringing people in at a pace that Canada simply cannot handle.

Canada is a very welcoming country, perhaps the most welcoming country in the world.

Unfortunately, the extremist Liberal government has taken advantage of our welcoming nature.

They have pushed Canadians to the limit, and beyond it, by flooding the country with immigration at a completely unsustainable pace.

The government thinks Canadians are too polite to resist this immigration extremism as they seek to use our own welcoming nature against us.

But there comes a point when politeness is no longer possible.

And Canada is far beyond that point.

What we are seeing in this country is a deliberate effort to weaken what it means to be Canadian by weakening the idea of citizenship, weakening the emphasis on integration, and bringing people in at a pace that Canada simply cannot handle.

Canadians keep asking for less immigration and more of an emphasis on Canadian identity.

But in response, the Liberals do the opposite.

Immigration Minister Marc Miller recently announced that caregivers from foreign countries will be given immediate permanent residence. The government is also lowering the English & French language requirements for caregivers.

Bit by bit, this government is turning Canada into nothing but a massive hotel with no core values and no standards.

Canadians never asked for this.

We keep demanding the exact opposite.

But the government doesn’t listen.

Whoever they work for, it’s certainly not the Canadian People, and the longer this goes on, the more our open and welcoming nature will fade away. If that happens, we can add it to the list of things the Liberal government has managed to destroy.

Spencer Fernando


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