The Bank of Canada also played a big role in enabling these policies.
As the consequences of Liberal policies and Bank of Canada enabling continue to be felt, many are wondering why so many Canadians supported those policies in the past.
Well, aside from the dishonesty of the Liberals and the establishment media boosting the Liberal narrative, another key reason is that people thought “somebody else” would pay for it.
Many people voted for radical climate policies because those policies were presented as “painless.”
Voting for “climate action” was a way for people to feel they were going to help “save the planet,” without noticing any change in their own lives.
After all, Canada – and much of the Western world – had been generally getting wealthier over time, inflation had been low, and we seemed so far removed from any concerns about whether we would have enough food or energy or even less ‘essential’ consumer goods. Those seemed like problems ‘of the past.’
So, why not take ‘climate action,’ feel great, and pay no price?
Except of course, that’s not how it works.
As always happens when radical ideologies are covered up by a moderate veneer, people are shocked by the results when that veneer fades away.
It was always going to be Canadians who paid
Cheap and abundant energy is the foundation of civilization.
Without it, advanced societies will regress at a rapid pace.
With it, everything is possible.
Abundant and affordable energy has been so thoroughly taken for granted, that many people don’t even notice the impact it has – until it’s gone of course.
For example, Germany thought their wealth came from high value-added manufacturing.
And technically, that is largely correct.
But that manufacturing isn’t profitable unless cheap and abundant energy is available.
If you don’t have the cheap energy, you don’t have successful manufacturing:
“Who would ever build anything in Germany with their crazy energy policies?
Europe’s industrial heartland faces a potential exodus as manufacturers of German car parts, chemicals and steel struggle to absorb power prices that rocket to new highs almost every day.”
So really, Germany wasn’t in the manufacturing business, they were in the “importing cheap energy” business first and foremost. Their strength was turning that cheap energy into products that people wanted.
But they blew it.
They decided to give in to a radical agenda, and basically tore apart their energy sector without a plan to replace it domestically.
Instead, they replaced it with energy supplies largely from Russia.
We know how that turned out.
Things are so bad that a temporary early morning price increase in the German Cal-23 base power futures market was higher than the highest price before the recent crisis began.
Yes, not even the overall price, but the price increase in one morning alone was larger than any price recorded up until recently.
“German Cal-23 base power futures, the most liquid electricity market in Europe, are up 100 €/MWh intraday.
In English: The price *increase* since this morning is larger than the highest-ever price *level* recorded before the crisis.”
German Cal-23 base power futures, the most liquid electricity market in Europe, are up 100 €/MWh intraday.
In English: The price *increase* since this morning is larger than the highest-ever price *level* recorded before the crisis.
— Lion Hirth (@LionHirth) August 22, 2022
No cheap energy, no prosperity
How much energy did people consume when they lived in caves?
How about in the first small villages?
The first towns?
The first large cities?
The first industrialized cities?
You get the idea.
At each stage, civilization advances and people become wealthier, which usually goes along with a longer lifespan and better standard of living.
Energy use also goes up.
Indeed, how much energy a civilization can access largely determines how successful it is.
Politicians like Justin Trudeau hope people don’t notice this, because then we would start to draw some uncomfortable conclusions about the real goal of Liberal ‘climate action.’
Some Liberal MPs were recently bragging about ‘progress’ Canada made towards government climate targets, due in large part to a large dip in emissions in 2020.
But what happened that year?
A massive shutdown of the global economy.
And that gives the whole thing away.
The federal government is deliberately imposing policies intended to make Canadians poorer, so we will use less energy.
That’s why they love inflation.
With the help of the Bank of Canada flooding the economy with printed money, the government is able to make it seem like ‘greedy’ companies are to blame for ‘raising their prices,’ when what is really happening is that the consequences of rampant overspending and economically-damaging climate policies are being felt.
Because inflation generates ‘bigger’ numbers, it makes it more difficult for many people to grasp that – in real terms – they have less and less money and are becoming poorer.
A clear choice for Canadians
At this point, Canadians must clearly see the choice in front of us.
There is now no denying that Liberal ‘climate action’ policies makes Canadians poorer. It’s not ‘someone else’ who pays, it’s us.
Rather than taking a balanced approach – recognizing that technological advancement and free market competition is the best way to generate increased efficiency and emission reductions without impoverishing people – the Liberals have taken a radical approach that is causing severe damage to the finances of Canadians.
Seeing the Liberal agenda for what it is, will Canadians decide to change course?
Spencer Fernando
Photo – YouTube
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