New Survey Deals Another Crippling Blow To Charest Campaign Narrative

Mainstreet poll shows Poilievre-led CPC does much better against Liberals than Charest would.

The Charest campaign is built entirely upon a single premise:

They say Charest has the best chance of defeating the Liberals.

Here’s the problem with that premise:

It is completely false.

Survey after survey shows that Pierre Poilievre would do better vs the Liberals than Jean Charest.

Those surveys also show that Charest is highly divisive within the CPC itself, meaning he would struggle to keep the party together.

Perhaps that’s why some in his camp are musing about starting another party if they lose. They’ve spent so much time claiming that Pierre Poilievre is divisive, that they are trying to will that into reality through a self-fulfilling prophecy where they explicitly divide and split the party after the race is over.

Unfortunately for the Charest campaign, reality continues to work against them.

The facts refuse to line up with their narratives and their claims.

The latest blow to their collapsing credibility is a new Mainstreet Research poll.

Among the questions asked were how Canadians would vote under different hypothetical scenarios.

Two scenarios tested were a Pierre Poilievre-led CPC, and a Jean Charest led CPC.

Here are the results:

“As part of our national survey we asked about a vote intention with Pierre Poilievre as leader.

As of the moment it’s a wide margin for Pierre”



Poilievre offers best chance of winning election

This shows – as we already well knew – Pierre Poilievre offers the best chance of defeating the Trudeau Liberals.

Note how the CPC does 3.8 percentage points better under Poilievre than they do under Charest.

Where it gets really interesting is that the Liberal number stays the same.

The Liberals get 27.1% vs the Poilievre-led CPC, and 27.2% under Jean Charest.

As iPolitics described it, Poilievre gains votes from the PPC without losing votes elsewhere:

“A federal Conservative party led by Pierre Poilievre would pull votes away from the PPC, a poll indicates. Importantly, a Poilievre-led party appears not to be in danger of losing centrist Conservative votes to other mainstream parties.”

This further flies in the face of the Charest campaign narrative.

It shows that Charest fails to win votes either on the right, centre-right, or centre.

Simply put, it seems that Charest brings nothing to the CPC race except internal division and general election weakness.

What the Charest campaign ignores

The Charest campaign endlessly talks about ‘centrism’ and ‘centre-right,’ yet they don’t acknowledge the elephant in the room:

Justin Trudeau has moved the Liberals far to the left.

The Liberals are now largely a socialist party.

Thus, if the Conservatives simply move slightly to the right of the Liberals, that would make the Conservatives a centre-left party, completely abandoning Canadian Conservatives.

That dynamic is a key reason why the Liberals/Liberal Media/Charest Campaign are so desperate to cast Poilievre as “far-right,” despite the fact that Poilievre is running a clearly centre-right campaign.

Poilievre is basically adhering to core Canadian Conservative principles, and the reason there is such a gap between those principles and the current Liberal government is that the Liberals have moved in such an extreme direction.

Remember, the Liberals were once a party that was willing to balance budgets, reduce taxes, and support individual rights. Trudeau changed all of that by shifting the party into authoritarian socialism.

By ignoring this, the Charest campaign plays into the Trudeau agenda, contributing to Canada moving more and more to the radical left, a trend that Pierre Poilievre and most Canadian Conservatives are seeking to reverse.

The Mainstreet poll indicates that Canadians are tiring of the far-left direction of the Liberals, and would prefer the centre-right policies of Pierre Poilievre compared to the elitist quasi-Trudeau liberalism being offered by Charest.

Spencer Fernando


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