Pierre Poilievre Is The Only Federal Party Leader Who Has Consistently Fought Back Against Anti-Semitism

The legacy media fails to point this out, because they’re still trying to keep the hate-enabling Trudeau government in power.

On Sunday morning, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre posted a Tweet denouncing anti-Semitism:

“Common Sense Conservatives denounce the glorification of terrorism & antisemitism in our streets.

We stand with the Jewish people and all Canadians against this hatred.”

Poilievre also noted the rise in extremism in Canada under Trudeau:

Poilievre stands apart

Among all federal party leaders, only Poilievre Poilievre has consistently stood with the Jewish community and against anti-Semitism.

Jagmeet Singh and the NDP have gone all-in on the embrace of anti-Semitic and anti-Western insanity.

Justin Trudeau has tried to ‘both sides’ everything while distancing Canada from Israel and incentivizing anti-Semitic protestors by giving policy concessions to the mob.

Poilievre is also the only federal leader who has shown the moral and strategic clarity to continue holding Hamas accountable for the ongoing war in Gaza, rather than blaming Israel like Trudeau & Singh.

The war would have been over long ago had Hamas released the hostages and surrendered, but instead of pressuring the Hamas terrorists, Trudeau & Singh pressure Israel.

Another way to put this is that in the wake of the largest surge of anti-Semitism since the 1940’s, only Pierre Poilievre has consistently stood against this rise of hate.

Yet instead of reporting those facts, the legacy media is trying to give political cover to Trudeau & Singh by printing articles like this:

This is appalling.

It’s appalling because it is a deliberate effort to make Poilievre seem hateful when the reality is that while Trudeau & Singh are embracing anti-Semitic hate for their own political advantage, Poilievre is standing up for Jewish Canadians and for all Canadians who embrace the values of the Western world.

It’s appalling for another reason.

At a time when we should be ensuring leaders like Trudeau & Singh are punished at the ballot box for their pandering to anti-Semites, the legacy press is trying to keep those leaders in power while trying to defeat the only federal leader – Poilievre – who is standing against hatred.

And so, we must defeat the false narrative being pushed by the legacy press and ensure that leaders like Poilievre are rewarded for their principled stance against anti-Semites.

We must also ensure ‘leaders’ like Trudeau and Singh are crushed at the polls.

Spencer Fernando


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