Liberals Still Refusing To Reverse Their Extremist Illegal Drug Decriminalization Experiment

How many more people have to die before the government finally ends this horrific experiment?

Last week, B.C. concluded – far too late of course – that the extremist drug decriminalization experiment pushed by the Liberals was exactly that: A radical experiment that needed to end.

With overdose deaths soaring and illegal drug use spreading across public spaces in B.C., the province asked for the government to bring the experiment to a close – at least partially.

But so far, the Liberals have refused.

As shown by their pathetic evasions and attempts to shift focus to other issues in Question Period, the Liberals are refusing to halt this deadly experiment:

“It’s been almost four days since the premier who asked to decriminalize hard drugs begged Trudeau to recriminalize using them in public spaces.

Why are Trudeau and his Liberals refusing to grant this request?”

“Why won’t the Liberals recriminalize the drugs that are destroying countless Canadian lives, as well as our cities and towns?

What’s wrong with them?”

The fact that the Liberals did not immediately act upon B.C.’s request, and are still leaving the door open to maintaining the extremist illegal drug decriminalization policy shows how out of step the Liberals are with common sense.

How many more Canadians have to die before the government finally realizes this extremist experiment must end?

Spencer Fernando

Photo – YouTube


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